
Act on Your Spirit Droppings

This morning I awoke and was craving green juice. I know. What a weird thought to awaken to. Normally, I slowly rise out of bed, but, this morning I sprang out of bed and headed for the market.

When I walked into the store, a woman was stocking the shelves with food. A Spirit Dropping compelled me to turn to her and say, "I'd like to thank you for stocking the shelves and helping bring food to the community and me. I truly appreciate what you are doing."

She looked at me, surprised, and then, somewhat embarrassed, looked down and said, "I love my job."

"It's an important job and I want you to know that I really appreciate what you are doing."

She said thanks as I went on my way to gather up my green juice.

On the way to the juice, I passed the stand with white orchids on it. The thought immediately struck me.

$25. Hmmm, for $25 I could pay for a couple more green drinks or I could buy her a plant.

I had another Spirit Dropping.

I purchased the orchid and then returned to the woman who was still stocking the shelves and said, "I'd like to give you this orchid."


"Yes, you," I said, as I handed her the gift.

She burst into tears. "In my whole life, no one has ever given me flowers."

I burst into tears. We hugged, and, then, hugged, again.

She asked me, "What is your name?"

"Nancy. And, yours?"

"Olivia," she said. And, then, I knew it was 100% a Spirit Dropping because Olivia is my granddaughter's name and she is one of the people I love most with all of my heart.

What are Spirit Droppings? When I was a child, my father used to say that I was like a mouse and left my droppings everywhere. It's true. I was a bit absent-minded and had a habit of putting things down in random places and then not knowing where to find them.

Playing off my father's words, I derived Spirit Droppings. Spirit is all love and Droppings are when something comes to us, almost impulsively, as a way to drop love or happiness into the world.

So, if you have the impulse, leave a Spirit Dropping. It could change someone's life.

"Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our hearts." - Rumi