Butterfly Kisses.


Samantha walked in for her session excited and a bit nervous. Her friend had gifted her an hour long intuitive reading for her birthday and Samantha had never had a reading before.

During my opening meditation, Samantha's Granny came in. She was lively, funny, beautiful and brimming with love for Samantha. As I relayed the messages and images that Granny was giving to me, Samantha's eyes filled with tears.

Before the hour was finished, I closed my eyes for a moment and thanked Granny and others for their messages. Then, I heard a final message for Samantha, a message that I nearly discounted because it seemed somewhat trite.

"Your Granny is telling me that she has one last thing to say to you," I said. "She wants you to know that she comes to you as a butterfly."

Samantha looked at me, surprised. "I was wondering if that would come up today," she said. She pulled her shirt down off her one shoulder and showed me a giant tattoo of a butterfly she had inked the week before.

"I decided to get this tattoo so I could always feel like Granny was with me," she said. "I have many photos of me and Granny with butterflies."

Our crossed-over loved ones are always dropping us messages and signs that they are around us. Not only are the signs and messages constantly coming to us, but we can also ask for signs.

So, the next time you are missing a loved one or feeling unsure about an answer to a problem...ASK FOR A SIGN. You'll be surprised at the many creative ways the signs and messages show up!

Go the nancyshobe.com to purchase a gift certificate for a one-hour session and receive a follow-up email for a free 15-minute reading!