Be A Sunflower

On Sunday, I went for a hike on a private ranch. Sunflowers were popping up all over in random places. It seemed odd to have sunflowers arrive so early in the year but it was nice to witness them standing strong and healthy.

Did you know that sunflowers face their heads toward the east to catch the sunrise and move their heads west throughout the day to keep their "faces" turned toward the sun?

Seeing all of the bright sunflowers made me ponder who shows up as sunflowers in my life.

I ask you the same. Who are the sunflowers in your life? Who can you turn to for a sunnier, more optimistic outlook?

Perhaps on this day, just after the 2-22-22 "manifestation creation", it's time to take a moment and reach out to those people, pets, plants or whatever and thank them for being in your life.

And, if you're the sunny one (yes, we all have one of those days on occasion), then pat yourself on your back and treat yourself to something special.

If you truly can't think of anyone or anything that is sunny in your life, then I hope that one day you'll find a field full of sunflowers.

Here's to this magical time of hope and light. No matter what is happening in the world, you can always be the flower of the sun. Keep turning your face toward the light.